Mutate IO Game Review, or Mutatio, is a multiplayer version of Players control blob creatures that are able to feed, grow or mutate, and then use to take on other players.
It was a game that I created for Pygame Community New Years Jam (theme Mutation). I was looking to try out new methods of game design and also learn more about networks. Global state).
The current server is mine:, and I intend to remain online for at the very least one month after the launch. Maximum simultaneous clients permitted is 10.
For more details on the server as well as server issues, please consult the README.
Discord ID #9563: Balt16
Versions described:version 1.0.1 was made available prior to the conclusion of the jamversion 1.0.2 introduced a few minor bugs fixes to the file , which was related to rapid disconnections of clients. disconnections”slim” version are the compiled versions where I have tried to delete all DLLs, folders, or files that I believe is necessary to use the program. You download at your own risk.

As reviewed by nami nude comic

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